
Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas would rock if...

I got this Epic Mug from a friend. Just saying. Not hinting that someone should buy this for me at all (Hint: Buy it for me!)

Or you if you don't want to help my caffeine addiction this Epic Poster would be acceptable too.

I have about twenty posts that I have started in the last few months and never finished. I don't think I ever will. But in case I do they are going to be the most epically entertaining waste of time and thought process ever.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm supposed to know what?

Finals are fast approaching and I have not started to study. In fact I have not even begun to do the work that was assigned throughout the semester. On top of everything several of my friends are having relationship issues and it makes life slightly stressful. Plus people want me to stop drinking coffee.

That picture encapsulates my life at the moment. For more awesome pictures click here. Enjoy the pretty kitty.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Epic post part one

So, it has finally arrived. But not really.

Thanksgiving break was pretty epic. I managed to not only get my finger sliced open by Biter(my renaming of the family dog) but I also broke a toe and rolled my ankle(on a flat surface, I was walking along and then Bam, I am on the kitchen floor with a borderline sprained ankle).

I really wanted to make sweet potato curry ... but that didn't happen. I did get in trouble for making egg gravey with cumin, at first I thought it was because my sister didn't like the taste(true) but she was only mad because I use up all her cumin... oops. My brother really liked it, so I am considering it a win.

A few pieces of advices for people who never consider life, because otherwise they would not need it.

Dogs bite. Unless they are trained, puppies do not magically train themselves.

No matter how hard headed you are, a hard back book is harder. I would not suggest putting one one your pillow, when you go to bed you will have forgotten about it and it will hurt.

When offered the choice between a couch (not spelled coach) and a bed. Take the freaking bed. Even if the bed is in a moter home that could potential freeze at night. And anything is better than sleeping the in back seat of a car. Seatbelt buckles should die.

I have other stories about break (paint fumes) some of them are funny (the dog) some of them are awkward (eyeballs) some make me look like a terrible person (My poor editor in chief, You are awesome!) but I am to lazy to tell those now. What? I have to safe something for epic post 2.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cooking Fiend

I love Barnes & Noble. Love it!

I just got three new cookbooks for super cheap. Ubber excited. Why?

Because I now have a curry cookbook that has recipes for curry powder, so I will never again have to buy curry powder in a can! Although I still probably will. I will be documenting all of my adventures.

P.S. I will still be doing my epic post. It will be awhile though. Life caught up to me and it is not willing to let go.