
Friday, December 30, 2011

You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!

Some time last summer... two summers ago? I bought an ice cream machine. And just this last week I actually used it. It didn't end up so great. The entire experience reminded me of the very first time I used my waffle maker... only with way less steam/smoke stuff.

Mummy dearest has several packages of ice cream mix stuff, it's all very fancy and there are like two instructions for use. Mix with 2 1/2 cups of whole milk and pour into machine. Somehow I managed to completely screw that up. Apparently it is freakishly difficult to follow orders in this house.

I asked mummy dearest if I could swap out the whole milk with 2% ... she told me to just use canned milk. And then she walked over and handed me a can of sweetened condensed milk. Not even close to the same thing. In all honesty I cannot deride her for her mistake because I have done the same thing twice before (I generally do that about once a year when making gravy, I will open the wrong can). If you have ever opened a can of sweetened condensed milk thinking it was canned milk it would probably have given you a scare. Sweetened condensed milk is viscous and an off white color ... it kind of looks like curdled canned milk.

Well I dump the entire can into the bottom of the ice cream machine, because my mother told me too, and she turns around and freaks out. So I pour about half of the stuff out and then dump in the rest of the package and some 2% milk. I popped on the top and turned the machine on.

About five minutes later it still looks the same. The mixture isn't mixing so I attempted to mix it with a spoon while it's still churning. This would be bad idea number three (#2 being the sweetened condensed milk, we will get to 1 in a moment). The spoon catches on the spinner thing and makes a really bad noise. At this point I decide it is better to just turn it off and mix it by hand (just enough for the stuff to actually be mixed in completely).

Ten minutes later and it still looks completely liquid. Nothing is starting to ice, it doesn't even feel that cold.

The instructions for the ice cream machine state that the bottom part (it's like a giant ice block that doubles as a churning bowl) should be completely frozen before attempting to make ice cream. This process usually takes over four hours. I'd had it in the freezer for maybe three hours (this would be mistake number 1).

Then my parents got all antsy because our home phone wasn't working... Turns out I had unplugged the phone in the kitchen when I plugged in my ice cream machine. The kitchen phone is the main phone system and if it is off no phones will work ... it was not my most brilliant moment.

All in all the mix is sitting in the fridge and the machine is in the freezer waiting to be completely frozen. I started this Thursday and I still don't have my ice cream.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I want a remote for my cassette player

There is just something so wrong with that picture. A couple of days ago I rearranged my room and I now have my uber old boom box out were I can use it again. Well... the cd player doesn't work, the radio does and so does the cassette player. I spent most of the day listening to Broadway's Beauty and the Beast on tape. I feel old school.

I like sitting on my bed on my computer jamming out to the radio, or Beauty and the Beast but it gets really annoying when I can't turn the stupid thing off. Or when the radio has annoying commercials (I think this is a must for radios) and all I want to do is turn it down. I can't. Because it's so freaking old it doesn't have a remote control. I am not sure I could even rig it up to work with a remote control since all of the stuff is manual. I have to actually turn a  nob to change radio stations.

In all reality I should just chunk the thing and save up money for a new one. That leads into the problem of me having no working mp3 player... It gave me the blue screen of death and I am still hunting (not very hard) for the crap that came with it so I can (I am lost on the technical terms here) eliminate the bad program and replace it with one that will work... at least for now.

When I am all curled up in my bed I have no desire to untangle myself from blankets, books and my computer to turn the damn thing off. Instead I shoot lazer beams at it and hope it melts in fear. So far that method has proved beyond helpful. It just sits there... staring at me. I think my boom box is an undercover agent sent by the Japanese publishing companies to make sure I am not illegally reading scanned books online.

Wow... that makes me sound entirely way to nerdy.

Best character from Beauty and the Best.

When I was listening to the tape I realized that there were quite a few song I didn't remember from the movie. They could have just been part of the Broardway ... but it's also been over a decade since I have last watched Beauty and the Beast. Hmm... I feel like I need to change that.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My minor obsession with Sailor Moon

A couple of weeks ago I finished reading "Codename: Sailor V" which is a prequel to "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon".

I am not entirely sure when they added that first part, maybe it's always been there...

Isn't she adorable? There is a funny story behind the red bow.
Ask me about it sometime.
Anyway. I finished reading the entire series (all two books of it) and now I really want to watch Sailor Moon. The only problem is I can't find it anywhere. Not entirely true, some people are selling it on Amazon for an astronomical prize (think around three figures, so not cool).

I am not willing to pay a couple hundred bucks for one season. That is ridiculous.

But I really, really want to watch it again. It was on of my favorite childhood shows. The only thing I really remember is having a huge crush on Tuxedo Mask. Which, really, horrible name. It's really more of a descriptive statement than name.

"I wear a tuxedo and a mask, there fore you must call me Tuxedo Mask!"

I throw roses around, be impressed!

Not impressive. The top hat is pretty awesome though... I secretly have a top hat fetish (but only when I remember certain fictional characters). I think I got it from Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter.

So I really do want to watch the show again, mostly because I heard that they massacred the original show when translating it. Not a surprise, seeing as how there wasn't really a large adult audience for anime in the States at that point. There totally could have been, but the marketers botched it royally.

I have a moon, be jealous!

A friend in high school gave me the low down on how the story ended. For some reason I just kind of assumed that she beat the bad guys and then went back to her normal life... which is freakishly far from the truth and absolutely what happened. Lets just say that she went back to her original life, but not what she had been doing at the beginning of the series. I mostly thought that because I only ever saw the first season. Not that I remember how that ends either.

I am such a failure as a fan. I will obsessively watch a show, sometimes for several years, and then out of the blue I will just stop. Not that the story line doesn't intrigue me anymore, it's just that I know I can watch it later and there is no hurry to watch it right now. Basically I am every marketers nightmare. A fan who supports the show but doesn't go batshit crazy twifan girl about it. *shudder* just mentioning those fan girls makes me gag a little in the back of my throat.

So... I seem to have completely lost track of where I wanted to go with this post ... fail. Here is another pretty picture from Sailor Moon. Aren't they just the cutest? (please ignore the awkward shoulder pads, nobody told him the eighties are gone for good).

We rule the universe and if you don't do what we say we will send annoying otaku's to harass you.
You have been warned!

Have a great Christmas weekend!

Tripping on stones down memory lane

I own way to much stuff and have recently been going through it so I can hopefully stumble across a box of stuff I can just dump out. It hasn't worked so well yet. I did, however, run across a box of junk left over from high school and earlier... it's kind of scary to go through. While going through a stack of papers that consist of everything from boarding passes to letters sent from schools I found a note... a really scary note. I note that had been between me and a friend in high school. And it was entirely about these two guys we where crushing on.

Since very few people remember the code words we used for boys I feel no shame (well... very little shame) in saying the boys discussed were Larry and Rabbit. Which, in retrospect, totally did not fit the guys assigned to them. Well... Larry kind of did. But rabbit did not. At all.


It is scary to think how very boy crazy I used to be. Like, seriously. If I could smack fifteen year-old me I would. Right on the back of the head. Like Gibbs does to DiNozzo. At least it would make me feel better. The me now, not the me then. The me way back when (all of like eight years ago) would have just laughed at me and walked off trying (and epically failing) to act all bad ass.


The only consolation is knowing that most other people would like to take a few nukes and lots of C4 to their high school selves. It's an extremely awkward time. You're trying desperately to figure out who you are and what you want from life. There is the added awkwardness of living away from home the first time (this is for dorm students only). It's a crazy time to be alive.

I now have a very strong urge to hide all of the pictures of me from the time I was fourteen until I turned nineteen. Hmmm... that might actually be possible. I was great at hiding from cameras.

The box also held all bunch of my doodles, from what I saw, the doodles started around the same time I started school... they where tragic. I am not entire sure what weird genetic hang up I have about throwing things away, but it needs to stop. It kind of did. I went through the drawings and tossed a bunch of stuff. In that pile was all of my room decorations from high school... well, it was most of the magazine ads I had hanging up. Around my junior year I decided I needed stuff on the walls. I went through a bunch of magazines and took out all of the best advertisements and then hung them on my wall. Most of them are still rather amusing.

I think I might put together a collage of dorm life, consisting of all the stuff I used to decorate while living in a dorm (app. 7 years). It wouldn't be to large since most years I had the same decorations. I would put them up differently every year, but it was always the same pictures.

All in all, this has been a fun day. I have kept some stuff I don't need, but it makes me happy to look. If it makes me happy I am damn well going to keep. Now if I could only find someplace to put it...

This picture isn't as random as it looks.
In the box I found a Caption Jack Sparrow Plushie...
It's terrifying, so I thought I would go with a good picture instead.

P.S. This post was mostly for Mike, since I have been such a flake when it comes to posting. You're awesome.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas wish list

I have finally managed to come up with a list of things I want... And it's all awesome!

Wish list:
1. Nanowrimo mug. (This is awesome).

2. Slippers. I really do not care what kind or brand, just new slippers. Mine are really scary. (Okay, I do care, I want slip on bunny slippers. I actually want a vampire bunny slippers. But I don't know if they even make those.) I take that back, they sell them at but those aren't very cute.

3. Acrylic Paint. (that stuff is really expensive... most art supplies are). I especially want pink and green. And more black... and maybe some of those super cool metallicy colors.

4. Stretched canvas (also freakishly expensive... like the reason why artists starve. It's all the canvas' fault.)

5. A fuzzy bear hat

6. A leather duster or trench (they are freaking awesome! Plus I'd look all bad ass.)

7. Bomber hat. Only in black.

8. Aviation goggles (or something like that. not really sure what to call them).

9. These freakishly awesome earrings. All of them.


It's a bird cage (obviously)
So freaking adorable!

And pretty much anything else from Shanalogic, it's a great site.

10. I want a pocket watch. Do not care what kind. But it has to be awesome. (Like the one from Noir, or Full Metal Alchemist)

And that is what I want for Christmas. Not that I am likely to get any of that stuff... which is cool. And mildly depressing now that I have taken the time to actually think about what I want and then to realize that I probably wont get any of it. This sucks.

Well... such is life. At least I know I am going to get something totally awesome, my sister bought me some BA earrings. I don't get them till Christmas though.

Friday, December 16, 2011

How does five minutes always become hours?

Whenever I call my mother and ask her when she is coming home from the school (she is a teacher) she always says she'll be back in five minutes... and it always, always, always longer. Like waaaaay longer. Around several hours later.

This horrible understanding of time seems to be inherited. My father does it to, but only when referring to work and only when he's talking to my brother. It's rather amusing to hear them talk.

"It's only going to take five minutes."

Six hours later.

"How much longer?"

"Oh, only about five minutes."



It's a rather terrifying problem. And I seem to have inherited it too. Except mine only comes out when I am reading, or watching a movie, or I really, really, really do not want to do something. I can pretty much be an epic pain when I don't want to do something. It's not a pretty sight.

Last night my mother had her school Christmas program... It was pretty good. The singing wasn't so great, but that was only when the kids tried to do a three part harmony. I am going to suggest to her that she stick with single harmony songs. Mostly because it is really difficult to get a group of kids to sing in harmony, much less a rather complex three part song. And she doesn't have that many kids, maybe 20. Probably less. And not all of the kids can sing... not to be mean, but some of them can just not carry a tune. Which is totally understandable, not everyone can sing, and not everyone who can sing is understandable.

When my mom was a kid she would sing duets with her younger brother (my uncle). He would carry the tune wonderfully (he is freakishly musically talented. I am slightly angry I didn't inherit that.) and my mother would "sing" along so everyone could understand what he was saying. She tells the story a lot. Her younger sister joined them after she was born, my aunt was the cute one (this is my addition to the story, my aunt was adorable as a girl and is really beautiful now).

Thursday, December 15, 2011

All the best plans

And I still never get anything done. I really wish I was one of those people who made lists and then did the stuff on the lists. Instead I look at the list am think "wow... that is so much stuff. It can wait for tomorrow." Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea. If I ever get anything done it won't be because I tried.

Also, cooking and blogging at the same time is not a good idea. Doing anything else and cooking at the same time isn't really a good idea. I have a tendency to burn things. Or charcoal it.

But it's totally worth it. Especially when I can burn stuff and listen to Christmas songs at the same time.


Only the best Christmas songs ever.

I just heard this song for the first time... it's really funny.

This song is completely unrelated to Christmas... but it's just soooo adorable I had to share it. Had to. It's super cute. It makes me squeal like a twilight fan girl. (I am slightly ashamed to admit I know how they squeal). Anyway, it's like uber cute >.< 

Gahh. It's soooo cute! I feel like it's almost to adorable.

F*** Yeah Art Student Owl

These are all my favorite FYASO posts... or pictures. Whatever. I thought most of these were freakishly hilarious. Enjoy.

All of these remind me of my artistic friends, the ones who I watched go through the design program. While I have never experienced the crazyness found in those artistic majors I did sort of live it vicariously through them. They are wonderful people, fantastic artists and had several problems. Mostly having to do with a lack of creativity and time and sleep.

Happy Holidays to all the creative people. The people who really do live in an alternative reality. I love you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas means...

Chipmunks! Chipmunks! Chipmunks!


I don't know about you, but the first thing I think about when I hear I Christmas music is Alvin and the Chipmunks. It's some of the best Christmas music ever. EVER!

I might be slightly Chipmunk obsessed. But honestly most of my favorite Christmas memories are accompanied by the Chipmunks. Even non-Christmas songs (Witch Doctor) remind me of Christmas... which is kind of sad now that I think about.

Anyway. There is no such thing as an Alvin free Christmas. I do not believe in it.

One of my friends said that when she has children she is going to tell them that Santa is a Time Lord. Which is just awesome beyond words. I have always had several issues with Santa, the main on being how the hell does he have time to stop at every single house in one night. It's just not possible. Unless he can be in more than one place at once. Or if he isn't bound by the same rules of time as we are. Hence Santa being a Time Lord. More like Santa is The Time Lord.

Sort of like the Lord of the Ring, but better. Since he doesn't have a bunch of people trying to kill him. Unless you count all the super crazy conservative religious people who think Santa is just another form of Satan... but they are kind of insane so we will just ignore them. Completely.

I really want to draw a picture of Santa as a Time Lord. He would have a freakishly large clock on a chain... hehehe... he would look like a rapper dressed up for Christmas. Heh. This is a great mental image.

I would not suggest googling it though. That was mildly disturbing.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

It is the season to go completely broke and be happy about it. And I love it. I just bought my best friends present.... hehehehe. It's awesome. Rather juvenile, but awesome. I would say what it is but she reads this blog and that would spoil the surprise.

I think I am going to spend tomorrow making snowflakes and decorating the house. All we have is a tiny purple Christmas tree... it's not very festive. This house definitely needs to be spruced up Mishi style. I am going to document the whole thing. *evil grin*

Just like that, but sparkly!
It's going to be awesome. I just need paper, glue, glitter and scissors. And possible some paint. I would just decorate my bedroom, but it's like super tiny and stuffed to the gills with random crap already. Plus I highly doubt I would ever take the decorations down. I am really bad at the whole dedecorating aspect. Once something goes up it stays up. Just ask all my old roommates. Poor girls.

I think I might try to make ninja cookies
Christmas decorating requires the best in Christmas music too. And gingerbread cookies baking in the background... I don't know how to make gingerbread cookies. Hmmm. Guess I am going to learn how to do that. I mean, it can't be too hard. Right?

I really hope so.

My Christmas list this year:

I am not sure what I want this year... normally I have an insanely long list of random crap I want. That is really sad. I don't even know what I want for Christmas... or if I even want to get presents. (cash exceptions. I love money. Almost as much as Parker).

I will work on the Ultimate Christmas list and get back to you.

Monday, December 12, 2011

More pictures!

I was going through stuff on my computer and I found these pictures. I thought most of them should be shared.

Never try this at home.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

praying to the porcelain god

This week kind of sucked. On Wednesday I woke up and found that I had eaten something that did not agree with me. At all.

This is a warning. The following story is rather detailed and disturbing (in a medical way).

Now that you have been warned I feel like I can explain exactly how crappy I was feeling. It was like something exploded in my stomach and it was going to find the fastest way out of my body. I woke up with the runs and spent the rest of the day hurling my guts into the toilet.

I hate vomiting. I have two very serious issues with expelling my guts via my mouth. 1. I already ate it, I don't want to have to taste it again. And 2. It goes against the natural rhythm of life. It's supposed to go down. Not come back up.

Plus when you throw up it causes all sorts of nasty side effects. Like shaking and chills and muscle fatigue. Which only makes sense, since your freaking body just made a herculean effort by sending stuff up the track backwards. It's not fun. I hate it.

I ended up puking about five to six times in a six hour hour time frame. Every single time I vomited up more stuff (I am assuming it was food at some point ... but it didn't look like it). Which was better then just stomach bile, but still nasty. I did not think it was possible to have that much food in my stomach and not have it mostly digested.

I crashed Wednesday night woke up feeling better on Thursday, but honestly I am not entirely sure what happened to this week. I am feeling totally fine now, but I lost like half a week between sleeping and puking my guts up.

Happy days ... except not. At all.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Best online comics

Here are some of my favorite online comics.

The first is Anime News Nina. It's all about a news elf who works as an announcer for a TV show. Nina is cute and original.

Anime News Nina

Second is "The Oatmeal"

Check it out here.

One of my favorite online comics is Dr. Cat. Although recently the artist has not been updating regularly, but I am sure there is a very good reason.

Dr. Cat!

F*** Yeah Art Student Owl is always one for a laugh. I love that site. It's almost as fun to read as "Clients From Hell".


And that is the rather small list of my favorite online comics... I really thought that would be longer. Hmmm. I have not been spending as much time online as previously.

Oh. And there is the always famous Lolz cats.

funny pictures - Admit it - you were going to take a picture of this ugly floor, and just this ugly floor, until I got here.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!