
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stick 'em up!

Mkay... I was going dive into a rather detailed explanation about my latest class, but ... this new blogger setup is weird. I think Google is just trying redo everything. But that's okay, cuz they're awesome. 


What was I going to say? Hmm. That's right.

I am taking a firearms class. As in, bang you're dead. The online course guide thingy said that I would spend the first eight weeks going over gun laws and correct handling procedures and the last eight weeks on the shooting range practicing. I just found out that this is not the case. Starting next week I will be expected to shoot an actual gun... Me. With a gun. A real gun. That has ammo.

I am in the process of having a small mental breakdown. I have never even touched a gun (not including airsoft guns and paintball guns) before in my life. And in exactly seven days I am supposed to be able to shoot one without causing undo bodily harm to myself and my classmates. Apparently my teacher is expecting a miracle.

Of course the only people allowed to take the class are criminal justice majors. So maybe he just expects us all to want to shoot a gun. Quite honestly I do not want to ever touch a gun, but if I am going to be working anywhere in the criminal justice system I will need to be proficient.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crossed Fingers

By tomorrow I will know if I have finally graduated! Mwahahahahahaha. I can't even begin to explain how wonky I feel right now. Emotions are flying all over the place, it's like giving a child a xylophone. A bright shiny rainbow colored one.

Life has been surprisingly similar to the Superman ride at sixflags magic mountain, in California.

College was the standing in line waiting for the actual ride, I didn't really go anywhere but it was mildly amusing if my friends where with me. Then graduation is getting in the cart, and before I even realized what was happening I had sped up to mach 5 and was flying up what felt like a super short track. Only to stop abruptly before getting to the prize. (for this example, it would be the superman statue at the end of the track.) Then, in less than six seconds, the entire trip is over and I am left standing at the exit with an entire theme park to play in.

And I have no idea where I want to go first.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Snap, Crackle, Pop

A dear friend of mine has recently complained that Rice Crispies just are not as good as she remembered them as a child. I am inclined to agree. Not only is the cereal predominantly air, it's freak'n expensive. Or maybe that is just the college student in my talking.

Life after college is not what I expected it to be ... granted I didn't have any real expectations just a vague sense of "it has to be better." But noooooo.

Then again I am currently employed part time (Great news about that, but later), living at home (eek) in a freakishly tiny room (can anyone say smaller than a dorm room?), and my car is once again smooshed.

My freaking car is a magnate for disaster. Not only does nothing actual work in a manner designed for it, but it has been less than six months (okay almost exactly six months) since it last had a booboo. I do not know how these things happen to me, but they do and it is really irritating.

I was having the worst day ever, at least in recent memory. The night before I had stolen some of my sister's Chinese food only to find out it had been sitting out since lunch ... it did not agree with my digestive tract and I ended up with mild food poisoning (Yucky). By the afternoon I was bored enough to adventure outside all by myself and headed straight for the library. Mistake one.

I was patiently waiting for a car/truck/van thing to pull out of a space in front of me when the jeepy wannabe thing starts backing up, right into my car. I layed on the horn (which might not actually work) but they didn't hear that and in fact the stupid kid (yes he was definitely a kid) didn't even realize he had backed up into something until his car wouldn't go backwards anymore.

My passenger side door got taken out by tire. His freaking jeep wannabe thing didn't even have a scratch and mine has no right side mirror and a dent in the door. *fume*

Still not feeling very good I get out and find myself face to well not face because he was so short and pimply faced, and seventeen. He so did not look seventeen. He looked like a sickly sixth grader.

Anyway then we had to wait for the police (neither of own the cars we're driving) and it took forever. Also, on a completely unrelated note one of the other guys in the car swapped numbers with me (I have no idea what compelled me to agree ... I just. I don't even know.) And then, this is the punch line, he texts me the next day from his mom's phone. Seriously. His mom's phone. I cannot emphasis that enough.

His reasoning? His phone was out of minutes. Then he proceeds to text me obnoxious, totally obvious pick up lines. Desperate much. (We're not even going to touch on the fact that I actually agreed to giving him my number, it was a minor psychotic break down and will most likely never be repeated. Hopefully). I gave half hearted replies... I know it's shocking that I actually replied, but well, it's really boring here. 'Nough said.