
Friday, September 30, 2011

Never put your coffee next to your paint water...

I, thankfully, did not put my paintbrush into my coffee mug on accident. It was a rather close call though. My sister told me that I plagiarized a painting... I am not sure how she came up with that. Because I am fairly certain it would be called a forgery, not plagiarism. Which I didn't do.

I might have infringed on an idea... but I didn't steal it. I mean, the man is long dead. Plus he was already missing an ear so I doubt he'd even notice. If you haven't figured it out already, I took some creative license and attempted to paint my own version of "Starry Night" by Van Gogh.

Only instead of a yellow moon and stars I painted a green moon and purple stars. It's actually not as cool as it sounds. Which you had better thought "Oh, that sounds awesome. This girl has real creative talent."

No? No takers on that one?


It's really not very surprising.

Anyway. I would have posted a picture, but:

1. Van Gogh's is just soo much better.
2. I haven't finished painting it yet.
3. There really is no three, but all lists must have a minimum of three.

Speaking of three, I have finished the second picture of my intergalactic series. It's pretty awesome. The first one I like to call "Intergalactic Jellyfish" and this newest one is called "Space Fire" ... Maybe. I am still working on a name.

But that is the exciting report of my life in Wyoming. It's super.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Test week

I have three tests this week and the only reason I didn't have five is because last Thursday I had a test in my Intro class... this royally blows. I don't know if my teachers are meeting under the not-clock tower to decide the students fates. But it sure feels like it.

Also. How did I not already know most of the amendments, still don't really. I basically just know 1-8 and 14. Which I would expound upon, but I am going to go out on a limb and say most people already know them... except me.

Um... I had a super interesting blog idea, but I forgot what it was. So make do with this picture instead.

Isn't she just the cutest? And she is surrounded by cupcakes!

Monday, September 26, 2011

rizzoli and isles

I was planning on doing a review of season 1. Even though season 2 just ended. Meh. But I have the headache from hell that is just pounding in the back of my head and I cannot focus on anything.

But it's an awesome show.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sprin cleaning... in the Fall?

My parents went to my dad's high school reunion thingy this weekend and my sister and I took the time to do some much needed cleaning. As in there are scaryly close to moldy things in the fridge, quick throw them away before mother thinks of some dastardly recipe to use nasty food in. It's really not as bad as all that. Most of the time my mother buys stuff and assumes it has been eaten before actually checking when she goes to buy more stuff.

Okay, so it really is that annoying. This house never has any staple food so it's difficult to cook. I can't even expound on how often I eat burritos. Not that there is anything wrong with burritos, but when that's what I had for lunch and supper and then lunch the next day, I don't really want to eat burritos again for supper.

And since my mother never wants to throw anything out my sister and I raid the pantry, fridge, freezer and deep freezer for food we feel as gone bad/will never be eaten. And then we throw it away *gasp*. But seriously it makes me super grumpy.

Also, never, ever, for any reason should you ever buy syrup that is sugar free. Ever. Do not do it. This is for your own good.

Mkay. On to the funniest song I think I've ever heard. It's "I will find you" by Clannad. Yes it is as creepy as the title implies. Mostly I just thought this would be a great song for my BFF who is getting married. Do it. Play this song at your wedding, it would be hilarious.

Another creeptastic choice for wedding songs is the other stalker song, "Every breath you take" by Sting and the Police... I think. I am not really sure, Google was a tad not helpful in this matter.

And that is my creepy stalker song quota for the year. Seriously disturbing stuff there. But really funny. I can' help but laugh hysterically the entire time the song is playing. Especially the song by Clannad.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What the.

It has recently occurred to me that websites are undergoing layout wars. It's totally on. Since Google+ has now officially launched (I feel like this is true) it feels like Facebook has facedived into a series of crazy new layouts to make the site more "user friendly." Someone should really tell them if they are constantly changing things that is the antithesis of user friendly. It's so irritating.

Other sites that have dived headlong into "let's confuse all our users with this awesomely different layout" are blogger, Pandora and Amazon. It's not cool. To someone who rarely gets online it's annoying enough to figure out one new layout, but when every site has a new layout it makes me want to pull out the EMP and just blast randomly at objects.

Mwahahaha. I just made Leverage reference. Which is only the coolest TV show ever.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This adventure sucks.

I would say that I want to go home... but I already am.

The last week has just been really rough.

I lost my job, got chewed out by one of my teachers (will explain that momentarily) and totally thought I was getting hit on by a freaking 17 yr old (more on this as well). Basically life has just been kind of sucky and I don't really have anything happy going on.

When I was in Lincoln I got some fun pictures, but that is about the only exciting thing that's happened.

Yesterday I got called out, after class thankfully, about doing a Sudoku during class instead of taking notes. His actual words were "What kind of message do you think that sends to your teacher? And what about your classmates?"

I really wanted to snap back "I have a freaking communication degree, I know what message I am sending!"

Unfortunately because I have a communication degree I know better than to follow my impulse and snap something sassy back. But it was super close. I had practically no sleep the night before, was trying to figure out how I was going to get a job and on top of all that I had to sit through an hour long lecture that had been taken out of the book almost verbatim. I was not in a good mood and my teacher was trying to explain to me, like a was a first year, what message my actions broadcasted.... it was irritating to stand there quietly, explain how I can't focus and take notes at the same time and then promise to not do Sudoku in class again.

By which I plan to rip it out of the book and set it on top of my notebook so it does not appear that I am doing a Sudoku.

On to the funniest story I think has ever happened to me. At least super close to the funniest story ever. Um... so, well, here goes.

Yesterday, it was rather exciting day, I got a text from this little seventeen-year-old who does not realize that  after three months I have still never returned a text... I really just want to ask him if he was stupid. Anyway. I was in hurry getting ready for class and I get a text from him asking me to go to prom with him... I obviously did not think that through because prom isn't until the end of the year, but I replied with the fact that I was in class all evening (I felt bad and leaving someone hanging for prom is just not nice). Well then I get this text asking me "Wut bout prom nite? wanna git it on?" (this is a direct quote of the text I received). Well that freaked me out. I mean the kid is way younger than me, right? So nasty.

Well, turns out... When I got to school I checked my phone again trying to figure out how to politely turn him down. I looked at the text again and realized it was from one of my bffs... She can be such a punk. The funniest part of this little shenanigan is that before I realized it was from my friend I had called one of my other friends and left a freaked out voice mail...

Let's just say I was alternately amused and mortified.

And on that happy note. Here is a picture of the blanket of death I have been working on.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Working with two is more difficult

I have been attempting to knit... it's not been working so well. I eventually bought a really fluffy yarn, that way no body can tell if I screw up the pattern. Not that I have any idea what I am actually doing. I know how to "throw a stitch" at least I think that is what it's called... awkward.

But yes, I am knitting a scarf. It's going to be the coolest scarf ever. Probably the last scarf I ever knit too. I like crocheting better, when I spell it correctly. As a matter of fact I am still working on the blanket of death. It's gotten quite large. Well it's always been large, but it now getting wider. Once it is finished it will be able to cover an orgy sized bed. Most definitely. That blanket is going to be huge.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Um... yeah

So my first adventure in Wyoming next week will be finding a new job, because I just got let go. Because there is a lack of things for me to do. Although my boss-man did tell me that if other stuff comes up they will hire me as a freelance writer. Which is cool. But sucky right now because I no longer have a guaranteed pay check. And I bought a bunch of new clothes so I could actually be simi-dressy at work.

But it's cool. Some how I will over come this latest hurdle and get the awesomest dream job ever. Maybe I will actually go for this whole freelance writing thing. It can't be that hard can it?

Who am I kidding. It's going to be ridiculously difficult.

Announcing the new and regularly updated blog!

Just kidding. It's not new, and chances of this being regularly updated are close to me winning an Emmy for coolest fan ever.

Not likely.

But I do hope to be able to post more often when I get a bunk bed. My plan is to not have a bottom bed and stick a desk down there. Then I will have a place to write without cleaning of the dinning room table, or getting lost in the scariness that is the basement at present.

So, yes. Hopefully I can bring you simi-regular stories of hilariousness about life in Wyoming.

Friday, September 2, 2011

How I almost sabotaged my own graduation

So basically, business as usual.

The reason I say sabotaged is because I literally finished everything, everything, the day the grades were due. As in hours before I would have had to wait until December to graduate. I only did that because I thought boss-man had e-mailed my advisor all the information she needed from him... he had. But she hadn't gotten it.

I freaked. Hard core.

I thought all the stuff had to be in the last day of August, the 31st... but nooooo. Everything was due on the 30th. Meaning I lost an entire 24 hour period with which to procrastinate. This almost caused me to graduate a semester late. But I didn't *evil grin*

Instead I finished up an entire semesters worth of homework in a few hours. Made several frantic calls to my advisor and boss-man, which ended up with me getting my degree and happily annoying my family with the sheer jubilance of my presence.

Check this out.

That is my online portfolio, which I first started putting together less than 24 hours before I turned it in. I think it is rather fantastic, seeing as I had no idea how the program worked. Still don't really. I have successfully created a website using Google, and I don't even know how I did it.

The biggest deterrent to my online portfolio was finding the correct venue in which to create it. There are several online platforms that can be used to build a beautiful portfolio, however I couldn't find a single one that wasn't designed to support art/design/photography/illustrator/etc. as opposed to writing. This was rather infuriating. Especially when I had less than two days in which to build, polish and send the blasted thing to the ultimate authority (teacher).

So instead of having a simple platform designed to showcase my fabulousness, I had to create it myself. I also need to figure out how to create my own background... I am currently using one built by someone else. Someone with fabulous taste in colors and plant life, if I do say so myself. I do.

Mhm. Yes.

So I successfully pulled my last stunt as an undergrad student. I feel all melancholy now. I mean I am classes now (awesome classes) but they are technically only the forefront of my adventure into the world of over-educated-num-chucks. Wow. My subconscious must be really excited about this.

But next week I get to start by shooting this.

So it isn't all bad.