
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I am a big fan of candy. I will pretty much eat anything that is made primarily out of sugar. Kind of sad, but true. One of few candies that I will never eat again is a guava gummy candy I picked up at the Asian market. It was seriously disgusting. In all fairness it really is the after taste that blows it. While chewing it doesn't really have any flavor and then *BAM* this sickly taste crawls up your throat. A co-worker referred to the taste as "what I imagine sweaty gym socks taste like".

The other candy like confection I will never eat again are Mallo-licious peaches. They foam. It's almost like having rabies, only it would be super sweet and have the added side effect of gagging.

Soooo Nasty!

But other than that nastiness I am down with pretty much anything. As is evident by the "candy" below.

Circus Peanuts. I really wish I could buy just one. I only ever want to eat one of them. But noooo, they come in this huge bag. I would have added these to the candy I will never eat again, but I will randomly get a craving for one. It only happens about once a year, and I try desperately to not cave, but they look so yummy. And then I eat one and don't want anymore.

Strawberry candies with a gooey center are a childhood favorite . My grandma used to keep them in her purse and give them to me when I did chores and stuff. I still don't know if they have a brand name or are just known as "those strawberry candies".

Bottle Caps are an all time favorite. Being completely honest, I only like the root beer ones. The cola ones are okay, mostly I think they are root beer and then am mildly distraught when I realize they are not. Sad day. Now if only I could buy just the root beer ones I would be set for life.

Gobstopper! It's been years since I've had these. They are so much fun, and yummy. I mostly got these on Pathfinder (it's like Girl Scouts but for Adventists) trips. An added plus is that they work really well for pegging people. Not that I ever did that...

Atomic Fireballs (not bombs). This is pretty much the only spicy candy I like. I am not a fan of super hot stuff, but my family is, which is how I almost burned my nose off when I was 2 (story at bottom). When I was about 12-13 years old, me and my best friend used to have contests to see how long we could keep the candy in our mouths. I am fairly certain she always won. Like I said, I am not a fan of spicy stuff.

Butterscotch candies are super yummy. This is what grandma would give me if she was out of the strawberry ones. These are pretty much classic candy.

Those peppermint things that melt in your mouth. Not sure what the actual name is, but they are fantastic. I think I ate like half a container once. It made me super hyper (shocking, I know).

Chocolate covered espresso beans. Who could not love these wonderful creations? It's my two favorite things, coffee and chocolate. I don't believe that anything else needs to be said.

Okay, earlier I made a reference to almost burning off my nose when I was two. My older sisters stuck a straw in a container of chili powder and told me to smell it. Well, me being two and all, I snorted it. It was a Saturday afternoon and I woke my parents up with my screams. They were not amused.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stuff I've painted

Over the last few months I've been painting a lot of random stuff. Most of the paintings do not have some deep meaning behind them, just things I wanted to paint. I took pictures of the paintings; sometimes you can see stuff from my loverly room in the background, just ignore it.

The titles, if they have them, are the caption.

Um. This picture is sideways....

Space Invasion

Intergalactic Jellyfish

Don't Let the Space Bugs Bite


Your Planet Has Been Nommed


Monday, January 23, 2012

What's your coffee?

Even though I have lived in Casper for several years (well my parents lived here, I was in Lincoln going to school) and have visited for almost ever holiday my entire life I don't know much about the community. I don't go out and walk around down town. I don't even know what local coffee houses are here.

But that has recently changed. A few weeks ago I went with a friend to a small cafe called The Art of Coffee and it is fantastic. The chai is super yummy. As you can see.


The Art of Coffee does more than just coffee though, they have an entire menu just for their drink options. It's crazy. They do lunches and I think they do breakfast too. I have never gone early enough to see if they do. On Tuesdays they have an open mic night. I don't know if it's worth going to, since I haven't had a chance to participate yet. But I am planning on it. They also sell hats, bags and a bunch of other stuff that is made by local artist. It's really cool.

It's soo good. Hands down the best chai ever.

There are a few more coffee houses around town that I want to check out. I will make sure to take pictures so I can share the awesomeness with you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday photo dump

So it's Friday. Yay! And I really had nothing to blog about. Well... nothing I was ready to post yet. Which is why I am going to do a photo rundown of the year. Starting with my cousins birthday on January 1st.

She has this wig. I had to try it on 

It kind of looks like something died on my head.

The kitchen had better lighting

I am so damn sexy, rawr!

Present from my friend!

And Hello Kitty was inside! Super awesome :D

Present from my mommy. It's a container for Bubble bath.

Found this when I finally unpacked my trunk. Isn't it adorable!

I made a hat!

Wearing my old glasses cuz my new ones broke
Coolest hat ever.

Is that a jealous face? It really should be.

I hope you all enjoyed the pictures and have a fantastic weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The difference between gift cards and cash

It seems that for Christmas and my birthday (about a month and a half apart) I have family who will give me money and family who will give me gift cards. It's always the same people too. Which I am all down with. This was first Christmas in several years that I got an actual gift from my grandparents and not a gift card to Borders (I got an easel and it's awesome). Not surprising, since Borders is kaput. *sigh* It makes me super sad.

It sort of like this but the bottom bar doesn't extend the full length 

When I would get the gift card it would always take me longer to decide what I was going to buy than if I just had cash. I do this with all gift cards, it's like since that person took time to decide on a specific store I should pick out something special. The expectations are killer. Not that the people giving me the gift cards care, they only give gift cards because they think cash is impersonal. Which it is, but it's also way easier to spend.

Although when people give me cash I have a tendency to pay off school bills instead of buying myself a present. But education is the best gift there is. My parents got mad at me when the found out I spent all my birthday money on school a few years ago. So now I make sure I never tell them. Or I use the money to pay bills.

Basically if you want me to buy myself something give me a gift card, if you want me to be able to survive financially give me cash.

I love cash.

Not as much as Parker.

I can't find the video clip with her smelling the cash, but this one is funny too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Best comedians

It's the middle of the week and that means we all need a good laugh. Even those of us who are not working full time need a good laugh. Probably more so, because there is no paycheck to look forward to.

First off is Bill Cosby, this is a clip from "Himself" a fun filled commentary on life and parenting. I find it hilariously funny and find Cosby to be an inspiration for good choices and hard work.

Next is Jenna Marbles, who I wouldn't really call a comedian so much as someone who does satire. And does it very well. I think this is the first video she made on youtube. You can't find more about Jenna here.

Adam Hills is a comedian from Australia and he is fantastic! I have only ever been able to find one show that he did, but hopefully sometime soon I stumble across another.

And then there is Eddie Izzard, who is, hands down, my favorite comedian of all time. He is an English, transvestite, stand up comedian. I don't think it could get any better. I feel I should warn you that he uses profanity quite a bit ... more like a lot. But this is one of my favorite clips from his performances. I really love him.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why would anyone buy this?

I cannot justify anyone spending this much on a watch. Seriously. What the hell.

This watch costs $86,999.99. And that is on sale. I don't care how much you save by buying this watch on Amazon compared to other places. That is to much money to spend on a watch.

And some dude bought it while he doesn't own a home, or a nice car.

Again, what the hell. I can't even see why this watch is so cool. It looks ridiculous.

You can find all the details here.

I am still mind blown over this. It's crazy. I want someone to buy me this watch so I can sell it and make a ton of money.

Monday, January 16, 2012

I died a whole lot inside

While mindlessly repining things on I found a picture of a Hello Kitty bar. It looked super cool, so I decided to go to the site the picture was found on. And that is how I stumbled across the Hello Kitty Hell blog. From the little I managed to decipher, it appears that the blogger is married to a Hello Kitty fan and cannot stand it. He loathes Hello Kitty to the seven circles of hell.

His site is rather amusing, and he is a good writer. The few things I've read were quite funny.

Then something horrible happened. I found the Hello Kitty Tattoos.

I kind of want to cry again. I would strongly suggest not following that link. Ever. I only shared it because it was so traumatizing I couldn't keep it to myself. So scary.

And this again just reiterates the fact that I am a horrible fan. I highly doubt I would ever get a Hello Kitty tattoo. It just seems like that would be a bad idea. A very, very, very bad idea.

After the horrors on that website I was inspired to go to the actual Hello Kitty website. It's not much better. Did you know that they have Hello Kitty designer collections? Yeah.

Some of the stuff is really cute though.

I need a new pair of slippers

Please do not wear when fighting.

It's a geek love Hello Kitty.

All in all though, I don't think I am ever going to visit that other site again. I like Hello Kitty (a lot) and I do not want to see all the traumatizing things that are out there. Poor Hello Kitty has been badly used by her fans. I no longer believe I am a fan, just an appreciative acquaintance.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My style gaming

Several of my siblings and friends game. And by that I mean they play games that have story arches and real people writing quests and stuff. I play arcade style games, like Tetris.

I love Tetris. It is the best game ever. It is also very mind numbing. After so many hours of playing Tetris I go outside and look at the skyline and imagine what Tetris pieces would fit best into it.

If someone made me a ring like that I would marry them. Minimal questions asked.
I pretty much adore Tetris. It's such a sleek game. All the pieces fit (mostly) nicely together and it can be challenging (playing Tetris while several caffeinated is difficult). My mother bought me a Tetris card game for Christmas and it is fantastic. At first it was rather confusing (I am not even going to attempt to explain here) but if you love Tetris I would strongly suggest playing it with friends.

Hedgehog Launch and Hedgehog Launch 2 are extremely addicting games from . Which really, the website explains everything. My first year of college (possibly in high school) best friend (nurse) showed me this game. And I didn't stop till I beat it, which took way longer than it should have. The whole point of the game is to launch the hedgehog into space. Super exciting. I guess that game has a story line, if you really stretch the meaning of story line. Each turn you take to get the hedgehog in space is considered one day and they least amount of days gets the better score. It's a lot of fun, kind of stupid but fun.

I can fly, if I have fuel.

And finally, the game I've played obsessively since ... I don't even know when. Minesweeper. Best game ever. We are just going to ignore the fact that it is part of Windows. (I really do not like Windows. Like really don't like). I love this game. I will play it for hours. Hours. At one point in my life I played it so often I started dreaming in Minesweeper. I would not suggest doing that. It's weird.

I think I have gotten close to that time before.

Last year for my birthday I got a Minesweeper cupcake cake. It was fantastic. The cupcakes that were mines had raspberry filling, super yummy!

I lurve you Nangela!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Youtube videos I don't really understand

While cleaning my room yesterday I found a door name plate thingy I made in college. It's in the shape of a unicorn and has best friends name on one side and Charlie on the other. My mother did not get the Charlie the Unicorn reference. At all. So I pulled up the video and we watched it.

It was way worse than I remember. Not very difficult to do since I pretty much watched it all the time and laughed hysterically each time. But the video makes no sense and the ones that follow are even worse.

Well I just recently watched the Nyan Cat video. And wow, it's really bad. It's super cute, and intensely repetitive and some how despite all that I kind of like it.

However I found that the videos made by Nyan Cat fans were way cooler. Like this one here.

Then there is the hilarious Silent Monks videos. Those are great.

And let's not forget all the funny videos shown to me by friends.

I cannot find this video on the blogger youtube thingy so just click here.

Anyway. That should be enough videos to sufficiently mind numb anyone. I do enjoy a great youtube clip, but some days it's nice to step back and realize "these videos are horrible, in a funny way."

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blogs of note... Mishi style

Several of my friends also blog, not that I ever talk about them. I am way to narcissistic to ever talk about anyone other than me. However, I do feel like I should share a list of blogs that I am looking forward to reading this year. (Also known as "I do not feel like actually blogging, lets do this lazy style).

Blogs that you should read, but only after reading mine:

1. just g!bs.
A blog written by a fantastic graphic designer. He is going to be blogging every day all year. I bow in his general direction. His plan is to have a monthly theme, it's pretty awesome (obviously, otherwise I would never read it).

2. Brittany the over achieving communications major.
Brittany pretty much just blogs about whatever. It's always interesting to me. She posts a lot of really cool pictures and tells funny/sad stories about her life. It's like an online diary for friends (maybe I should have said journal?).

3. Kate "for the horde".
Kate is my gamer friend, she is freakishly awesome. I don't regularly read her blogs, but the ones I do are always thought provoking and give me a different view of life.

4. Miss H
Miss H just started blogging, but I am super excited. I went to school with Miss H and she is a highly intelligent, motivated individual, she has just started her second semester has a full time teacher and the blog is dedicated to stories from teaching. In all reality she is like a human version of my older sister (my sister is a cyborg).

5. Sassy Mommy
I started reading Una LaMarche's bog my junior year of college and I have consistently read it for the last two years. Una just had a little baby boy, and he is freaking adorable, but she hasn't become a blogging mommy (as in everything is about her child). I read Una's blog because it is a fresh view on life and she is really funny.

6. LadyDraconix.
Um... I am not really sure what to say about her blog... she pretty much just blogs about whatever. She has started a trend lately of writing book reviews and they are helpful and thought provoking. Her blog is a lot like mine but written by someone more intelligent. She also blogs about design, since she is also a graphic designer.

7. Best friends blog (not that she ever updates it):
Yeah, she never blogs regularly, she's worse than me (I didn't think it was possible either). But when she does blog it is always worth reading. Although I am biased, since she is my best friend. Who never updates her blog. (hint hint).

Her most recent goodwill purchase.

So there is my lazy post. Isn't it great?