
Monday, December 24, 2012


Plus Panda's are just plain awesome.

In all honesty I stole this whole post from a friend who has a blog that is not quite as awesome as mine, but who definitely blogs more.... Maybe I'll remember to do it more often. Doubtful.

I did have something new and interesting to blog about. But it will just have to wait my cat is meowing. Ah, yes, I did get a cat and learning to co-habitat with him has been interesting. In a kind of tragic "Why'd you pee outside of the box" way.

Friday, December 7, 2012

How my life feels recently

I don't really know the best way to describe the horror that is Bridge. If you have never been in hurry to finish a project and accidentally opened that program you are exceptionally lucky, or have never taken a graphic design class. And if you can't figure out how that applies to my life I don't really feel like explaining it. Mostly cuz it means the majority of the problems in my life are my own damn fault.