
Friday, January 6, 2012

Nothing to see here

Nothing interesting has happened in the last 24 hours. My life has been unbelievably boring (except my car is dead. Dead as in doesn't even make awkward noising when trying to start it). So nothing has happened. I slept, ate and slept some more. It was pretty grand. All very exciting. I am sure I could write an entire novel based on my life.

It would be the shortest story ever.

A friend suggest I start a pinterest page... I wasn't really sure what it was to begin with. The concept is interesting, pinning interesting pictures all in one place is a rather ingenious idea. The only problem is that my internet experience lately is focused on about ten different sites.

1. Blogger
2. gmail (since if I don't check it frequently it gets way bogged down)
3. facebook
4. xkcd
5. fy art student owl
6. Dr. Cat
7. Amazon
8. Lolz cats
9. Other pages from

There isn't a ten. Apparently I don't even go to ten different sites.

Oh. I guess ten would be google+ but I basically never get on. So not sure that should really count.

Anyway. I am having issues withe whole pinterest thing because of that. I pretty much just bum at home and read or watch tv. Which I could list all the shows I think are worth watching but that takes some serious effort. I am a big fan of things that require nill in the effort department.

Which is why I have this loverly comic from xkcd, just for you. Because everyone knows that a blog isn't a blog unless it has awesome followers. And since you are reading my blog that automatically makes you awesome, at least averagely awesome, which is good enough for me.

I really want to do this sometime. If only I had friends who would factor time.

1 comment:

  1. Cute cute. I love that you can actually keep this thing going. I've wanted to start a blog sereval times but then thought "Wait. No life, here. Would make for exxxxxtremely dull reading..." So definately good on you! Love you!
