
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye 2010, I will not miss you.

Recently there have been quite a few posts about things accomplished in the last year. I don't have one. Instead of I have a list of things I was forced to admit this year.

1. Being able to play Minesweeper with a track pad means I need to stop
2. Gas is freakishly expensive
3. I am not forgiving
4. I can't drink black coffee
5. Only drinking coffee for breakfast is bad. Very bad.
6. Positivity is as elusive as a Unicorn
7. Being bitchy makes me feel better ... so much better.
8. No matter how much I try I will never own a blue elephant
9. People are really that stupid
10. I actually really like Miley Cyrus

And that pretty much explains how sucky the last year was. My only resolution for this year is to do what I want, guaranteeing a great year. Sixteen weeks and I will be down with pretentious overzealous religious fucktards, I am so excited!

1 comment:

  1. I have not created a "here is a post of how awesome I am and how much cool stuff I did this last year" post (But we all know I could, yes? Yes. *snarks*)

    However - I like your "admissions" post quite a lot and want to respond with my reaction to each of your list items! I won't. I may be forced to do a "Welcome to 2011" post though. :)
