
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why I hate ordering online

I caved and bought the entirety of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was rather excited because it got here today. Seasons 5, 6 and 7 had shattered cases. I am pissed. Mostly because I ordered off of Amazon and that means I am going to have to package up the stupid set and send it back. I really do hate doing that. It makes me angry.

On a rather funny and extremely wrong note, I have just recently found out that POW/MIA stands for Prisoners of War and Missing in Action. Yes. I cannot believe that it has taken me this long to realize that. What's worse is that I used to think the flag was for an African American rights activist group. True story. I am sure you would like to know how on earth I came to that conclusion.

I have a friend who is an activist. She bounces from one group to another trying to make the world a better place. She is pretty freaking awesome. Well she had a POW/MIA flag on her wall and she told me it was in support of her black friend. I had no idea at the time that her friend was in the military, I do not think he was ever MIA and I know he wasn't a POW, but she wanted to support her friends in the military.

Well, idiot that I am, I assumed it was just another activist group she was apart of. It was a little odd because she didn't give me the activist speech which normally came along with announcements for the latest, greatest cause for human rights.

And that is why I thought the POW/MIA flag was the symbol for African American rights. Sad really.

I felt like a complete idiot when I put the pieces together. Unfortunately it took me a few years. May all the people who are in the military, who have served in the military and who are related to people in the military forgive me for being a complete moron.

Never forgotten; but occasionally confused.

1 comment:

  1. Gah, I hate it when that happens. Once, when I was at Neil Gaiman's house, I was showing off his spectacularly organized pantry (work of assistant extraordinaire, Lorraine) to my mom. I commented on the stunning array of multicultural foods, including Marmite, which I enjoy very much. Neil offered me all the Marmite I wanted because he had ordered a lot of jars from Amazon and, of course, a couple came broken. So Amazon sent him a complimentary second order, all unbroken, which left Neil with more Marmite than he knew what to do with.
    That said, I was just recently thinking about Buffy and how much I want to re-watch some of it. I have a few of the seasons on DVD, I believe. And then there's always Aprille...
    I always thought POW MIA had to do with Native Americans, so don't feel bad.
